Check out this article on CodeProject. Excerpt:
Here is when the handy .NET
NativeWindow comes into the picture, a
NativeWindow is a window wrapper where
it processes the messages sent by the
handle associated to it. It creates a
NativeWindow and associates the
OpenFileWindow handle to it. From this
point, every message sent to
OpenFileWindow will be redirected to
our own WndProc method in the
NativeWindow instead, and we can
cancel, modify, or let them pass
In our WndProc, we process the message
dialog is opening, then we will change
the original horizontal or vertical
size depending of the StartLocation
set by the user. It will increment the
size of the window to be created. This
happens only once when the control is
Also, we will process the message
WM_SHOWWINDOW. Here, all controls
inside the original OpenFileDialog are
created, and we are going to append
our control to the open file dialog.
This is done by calling a Win32 API
SetParent. This API lets you change
the parent window. Then, basically
what it does is attach our control
to the original OpenFileDialog in the
location it set, depending on the
value of the StartLocation property.
The advantage of it is that we still
have complete control over the
controls attached to the
OpenFileDialog window. This means we
can receive events, call methods, and
do whatever we want with those