



I've created a small Bash script that does a MySQL data dump. Because the dump can be fairly large I put the process in the background and then wait for either an error or the log to show up in the file system. I have the following code:

mysqldump main_db > /loc/to/dmp/file.sql 2>/loc/to/error/log/file.log &

The problem is that I get a '/loc/to/error/log/file.log' file the size of 0 (which I presume means no real error) sometimes when this command is run, which kills the process, even though there is no error.

I'm not sure why the STDERR would write a file when there was no data to write. Is this because of the & background process?

+4  A: 

The redirected files are set up before your script is executed by the executing shell.

I.e. after having parsed your command which includes redirected stdout/stderr, the shell forks, opens(creates the files if they don't exists). attach the opened filedescriptors to filedescriptor 1 and 2 (stdout/err respectivly) and then executes the actual command.


The redirection file is created whether or not any data is ever written to it. Whichever process is watching the error log should check for non-zero filesize, not existence.

Okay, I didn't know how STDERR worked, and thought checking for a filesize of 0 would be a band-aid for a deeper problem.
The issue isn't "how STDERR works". It's how shell redirections work.
Laurence Gonsalves