This has been discussed at some length, but ultimately, the issue of performance is a secondary consideration when selecting a RNG. There are a vast array of RNGs out there, and the canned Lehmer LCG that most system RNGs consists of is not the best nor even necessarily the fastest. On old, slow systems it was an excellent compromise. That compromise is seldom ever really relevant these days. The thing persists into present day systems primarily because A) the thing is already built, and there is no real reason to 'reinvent the wheel' in this case, and B) for what the vast bulk of people will be using it for, it's 'good enough'.
Ultimately, the selection of an RNG comes down to Risk/Reward ratio. In some applications, for example a video game, there is no risk whatsoever. A Lehmer RNG is more than adequate, and is small, concise, fast, well-understood, and 'in the box'.
If the application is, for example, an on-line poker game or lottery where there are actual prizes involved and real money comes into play at some point in the equation, the 'in the box' Lehmer is no longer adequate. In a 32-bit version, it only has 2^32 possible valid states before it begins to cycle at best. These days, that's an open door to a brute force attack. In a case like this, the developer will want to go to something like a Very Long Period RNG of some species, and probably seed it from a cryptographically strong provider. This gives a good compromise between speed and security. In such a case, the person will be out looking for something like the Mersenne Twister, or a Multiple Recursive Generator of some kind.
If the application is something like communicating large quantities of financial information over a network, now there is a huge risk, and it heavily outweights any possible reward. There are still armored cars because sometimes heavily armed men is the only security that's adequate, and trust me, if a brigade of special ops people with tanks, fighters, and helicopters was financially feasible, it would be the method of choice. In a case like this, using a cryptographically strong RNG makes sense, because whatever level of security you can get, it's not as much as you want. So you'll take as much as you can find, and the cost is a very, very remote second-place issue, either in time or money. And if that means that every random sequence takes 3 seconds to generate on a very powerful computer, you're going to wait the 3 seconds, because in the scheme of things, that is a trivial cost.