




Lets say each row of our table contains information about various vehicles for sale. And each user can store several images of each vehicle. What might be a good approach to storing these images?

Duplicate: User Images: Database or filesystem storage?
Duplicate: Storing images in database: Yea or nay?
Duplicate: Should I store my images in the database or folders?
Duplicate: Would you store binary data in database or folders?
Duplicate: Store pictures as files or or the database for a web app?
Duplicate: Storing a small number of images: blob or fs?
Duplicate: store image in filesystem or database?

+1  A: 

Sounds like homework. You’d want a one-to-many relationship from the vehicles table to the pictures table. The pictures table would contain a BLOB column with the images. Or it could contain a VARCHAR column with the filenames of the images as stored on disk.

IMHO the database is the wrong place to store images. just store the location of the image.
I agree, most of the time. I think this is homework and the OP needs to be aware of the two common ways of doing this.
you can use a single folder, the database should know which files are owned by which user, so its your code who's decide what can be overwritten by a user and what can't.you can store the images with the PK ID + filetype extension, or as a MD5 hash or ..... many many ways, but dont store them with the orginal filename. this makes far more problems (spaces in filename, specialchars.. aso.)
@DJDonaL3000: Most filesystems will slow down if you store too many images in a single folder. One way to deal with this is to use a hierarchical folder structure. For example, if your images are named 100.jpg, 101.jpg, 225.jpg, and so on, create a folder /images/100 and store images 100-199 there. Create a folder /images/200 etc. Another approach is to use [hash buckets](http://www.mondofacto.com/facts/dictionary?hash+bucket) where each bucket corresponds to one folder in the filesystem.
An alternate approach would be to use something like Amazon S3, where you can put an unlimited number of uniquely-named images in a single bucket and then refer to them by URL in your web page.

The overhead of storing the image data directly in the database can become an issue, especially for large sites with a lot of traffic.

Usually I have a naming convention for storing the images on the server, and the file names are re-written from whatever the user uploads, but you can retain the original file name from the user if you prefer - just make sure to sanitize them. The database only stores metadata for the images, so that requests for the image files can be handled directly by the webserver.
