




I'm looking for a way to set the default language for visitors comming to a site built in EPiServer for the first time. Not just administrators/editors in the backend, people comming to the public site.

+1  A: 

Depends on your setup.

If the site languages is to change under different domains you can do this. Add to configuration -> configSections nodes in web.config:

<sectionGroup name="episerver">
  <section name="domainLanguageMappings" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" allowLocation="false" type="EPiServer.Util.DomainLanguageConfigurationHandler,EPiServer" />

..and add this to episerver node in web.config:

    <map domain="site.com" language="EN" />
    <map domain="site.se" language="SV" />

Otherwhise you can do something like this. Add to appSettings in web.config:

<add name="EPsDefaultLanguageBranch" key="EN"/>

I have this on EPiServer CMS5:

<globalization culture="sv-SE" uiCulture="sv" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" resourceProviderFactoryType="EPiServer.Resources.XmlResourceProviderFactory, EPiServer" />

In EPiServer CMS 5, add the following setting to your web.config:

<site description="Example Site">
         <add name="www.site.se" language="sv" />
         <add name="www.site.no" language="no" />
         <add name="www.site.co.uk" language="en-GB" />
         <add name="*" />

The language choosen for the start page is depending on the host header in the request.

If you set attribute pageUseBrowserLanguagePreferences="true" in your siteSettings tag in web.config the browsers request may be used to select language for the startpage.

Fredrik Haglund