



Hi there,

Is it possible to modify NotifyIcon behavior to AlwaysShow in C#? A code snippet would be greatly appreciated:) Thanks in advance...



One of our clients said quote "it seems necessary to customise icons to always show". What he meant was that he has to do it manually by r-clicking on task bar then click on Properties -> Task Bar -> Customize Notifications and then you can set behavior to Always Show / Always Hide / Hide when inactive for each taskbar icon on the list.

Can you do that programically in C#?

I want to ensure that my NotifyIcon is ALWAYS visible. I'm already setting icon.Visible = true but it looks like it doesn't work for him hence the complaint.

Is there any easy way of setting the behavior by altering [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TrayNotify] IconsStream registry value?

NotifyIcon icon = ...;
icon.Visible = true;

Edit for updated information: There shouldn't be, and if for some reason it exists, don't use it. That's the user's preference, not yours.

you made a valid point... that's what I originally said but I get a bit of pressure from my management to have it done otherwise the universe will collapse...

I'm sure it's possible with enough Registry hacking, but not at all recommended. They added the collapsing-notification-area behavior in XP because so many applications were shoving themselves in that space. Much like Start Menu pinning behavior in XP/Vista/7, the lack of a public API means you're supposed to let the user decide that sort of thing.
