



I am working on windows form based application.

I want to validate textbox values. User enter only Numeric values in the textbox , now i am able to validate keypressevent, but i want validate copied value should be numeric then only paste(Mouse right click paste or Ctrl+v) textbox.

+1  A: 

The answer will depend on the level of feedback you want. If you want to give user feedback, I'd recommend using the Validating event and an ErrorProvider.

Here's an example:

Otherwise, just bind to the KeyDown or TextChanged events, and strip out any input you didn't want to be there. Depending on your exact validation requirements, you might also find a MaskedTextBox useful:

Ubiquitous Che

When the user puts focus on a textbox (assuming a value has been copied from somewhere), you could check the last value copied to the Clipboard and either disable/remove focus from the control depending on your validation criteria.

Example of using the Clipboard in C#:

Mr. Smith