




How to execute this T-SQL command through a c# method so that I can get the next ID of a Table?

declare @IDColumnName as varchar(150)
declare @TableName as varchar(150)
declare @SQL as nvarchar(1000)
declare @returns as int

set @IDColumnName = 'ID'
set @TableName = 'User'
set @returns = -1

set @SQL = 'select MAX([' + @IDColumnName + ']) from [' + @TableName + ']'
--print @SQL

EXEC @returns = sp_executesql @SQL

--print @returns
+3  A: 

Note that this is a blatant race condition unless you take a key-range lock. Why not use IDENTITY? But if you SELECT the value, you should be able use use ExecuteScalar.

Also; if you don't white-list the tables, that is a SQL injection risk.

Marc Gravell
How can I solve this problem without using Identity?
Use a serializable transaction, and accept the blocking. Anything else and you have a race-condition. Identity is a lot cheaper.
Marc Gravell

better to use identity other create UDF and put the code in this UDF and call it by using Executescalar method.
