I'm trying to implement a RESTful API in Perl. My current idea is to simply parse the path_info with a regex then dispatch the request to the appropirate subroutine which will then spit out the JSON, XML or even XHTML for the requested reource.
For example to retrieve info about user 134 the RESTful cleint should find it at:
Below is the skeleton code of my first attempt at implementing a RESTful API:
model.pl :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
my $q = CGI->new();
print $q->header('text/html');
my $restfuluri = $q->path_info;
if ($restfuluri =~ /^\/(questions)\/([1-9]+$)/) { questions($1, $2); }
elsif ($restfuluri =~ /^\/(users)\/([1-9]+$)/) { users($1, $2); }
sub questions
my $object = shift;
my $value = shift;
#This is a stub, spits out JSON or XML when implemented.
print $q->p("GET question : $object -> $value");
sub users
my $object = shift;
my $value = shift;
#This is a stub, spits out JSON or XML when implemented.
print $q->p("GET user: $object -> $value");
Before I proceed any further, I would like to hear from experienced Perl hackers whether I got the basic idea right and are there any serious shortcomings with this approach in terms of performance.
I can imagine, after a while, the if/else block would grow really large.
Looking forward to hear your views to make this code better.