Guys, I have a WSDL laying at http://blabalba/bla/myWsdl.wsdl, the WSDL contains one schema that import two schema from schemaLocation="Schema/1.xsd" and schemaLocation="Schema1/2.xsd" (physically those two lays in blabalba/bla/Schema and blabalba/bla/Schema1).
Using some web utilities I have able to upload the WSDL metadata content into ServiceDescription object (lets call is sd).
I want to go over this sd.Types.Schemas and to insert the XmlSchema instances into one XmlSchemaSet object.
For some reason sd.Types.Schemas and the XmlSchemaSet contains only one schema (the WSDL's schema) without the imported schemas (1.xsd and 2.xsd).I'm doing:
var set = new XmlSchemaSet { CompilationSettings = { EnableUpaCheck = false } };
foreach (XmlSchema s in sd.Types.Schemas)
Doing the same locally succeed (adding local root xsd (WSDL schema) from the file system do bring all of the imported schemas as well).
Any suggestions? Thanks, DD