I have an array of point data, the values of points are represented as x co-ordinate and y co-ordinate.
These points could be in the range of 500 upto 2000 points or more.
The data represents a motion path which could range from the simple to very complex and can also have cusps in it.
Can I represent this data as one spline or a collection of splines or some other format with very tight compression.
I have tried representing them as a collection of beziers but at best I am getting a saving of 40 %. For instance if I have an array of 500 points , that gives me 500 x and 500 y values so I have 1000 data pieces. I around 100 quadratic beziers from this. each bezier is represented as controlx, controly, anchorx, anchory. which gives me 100 x 4 = 400 pcs of data. So input = 1000pcs , output = 400pcs.
I would like to further tighen this, any suggestions?