



I am trying to write a "Less than" validator for jQuery. I want to compare one text box against another, so if I have:

<input type="text" id="value1" /> <input type="text" id="value2" />

I want my validator to look like

$('#myForm').validate({rules: { value1: { lessThan: "#value2" } } });

I have tried this but I can't get it to work:

$.validator.addMethod('lessThan', function(value, element, param) {
    var i = parseInt(value);
    var j = parseInt($(param).val());
    return i >= j;
}, "Less Than");

Another question is where should I put that code? In $(document).ready or just in a tag?

+2  A: 

I think you can do that without actually writing your own validator method.

    rules: {
         value1: {
             maxlength: $('#value2').val().length

$('#value2').change(function() {
    $('#value1').rules('remove', 'maxlength').rules('add', {
         maxlength: $('#value2').val().length

or even better without code duplication

function getRule() {
    return {
        maxlength: $('#value2').val().length

    rules: {
         value1: getRule()

$('#value2').change(function() {
    $('#value1').rules('remove', 'maxlength').rules('add', getRule());
Thanks. This does work, but I managed to get my validator method working. You were the one who inspired me though.
John Oxley
+1  A: 

You can insert your validation method within any document ready block, like the one shown below.

$().ready(function() {

        function(value, element, param) {
            var i = parseFloat(value);
            var j = parseFloat(param);
            return (i < j) ? true : false;


I've tried to keep this simple so that you can modify it. If the method is called "lessThan" then it should do just that. If your method actually performs "less than or Equal To" consider a more appropriate name.

Please note that I am also using parseFloat, allowing the method more flexibility than parseInt.

From within your validator, you were using it correctly; so for a validation of say, less than 10:

$('#myForm').validate({ rules: { value1: { lessThan: "10"}} });

Good luck!

Why are you using a ternary operator like that? your return statement is equivalent to `return (i < j);` or even `return i < j;` which, IMHO, is much easier on the eyes.
Tomas Lycken
+1  A: 

I'm an idiot. I had made some typo's in my actual code and I'd messed up the this.optional(element) that I see in a lot of validator methods. Here is the working function:

$.validator.addMethod('lessThanEqual', function(value, element, param) {
    if (this.optional(element)) return true;
    var i = parseInt(value);
    var j = parseInt($(param).val());
    return i <= j;
}, "The value {0} must be less than {1}");

Here is the condensed version

$.validator.addMethod('lessThanEqual', function(value, element, param) {
    return this.optional(element) || parseInt(value) <= parseInt($(param).val());
}, "The value {0} must be less than {1}");

Now I need to figure out how to rerun validation for field 1 when I change field2.

John Oxley