See Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmProvider for an example implementation. Hashing steps are:
- If SaltEnabled, generate random bytes for the salt length using RNGCryptoServiceProvider.
- Append the salt to the plaintext.
- Hash the salted plaintext.
- Then (this is the important step), append the salt again to the hash.
To compare against hashed text, you must use:
public bool CompareHash(byte[] plaintext, byte[] hashedtext)
versus rehashing and comparing. If you rehash, a new random salt is generated and you're lost.
CompareHash does the following:
- Pulls the non-hashed salt off the hashtext. Remember, it was appended at step 4 above.
- Uses that salt to compute a hash for the plaintext.
- Compares the new hash with the hashedtext minus salt. If they're the same - true, else false.
"if salt is enabled on a HashProvider, the provider will generate a random sequence of bytes, that will be added to the hash. If you compare a hashed value with a unhashed value, the salt will be extracted from the hashed value and used to hash the unhashed value, prior to comparison."
"As for decoding as hash-value. this cannot be done. after creating a hash there should be no way to reverse this into the original value.
However, what you can do is compare an unhashed-value with a hashed-value by putting it through the same algorithm and comparing the output."
From http://www.codeplex.com/entlib/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=10284