my html
<div id="x">
<div id="x1">
some text
<div>other text</div>
<div id="x2">just text</div>
my call
I have this element than can be any jquery selector, 1 or more elements:
var x = $("#x");
now I NEED (this is a plugin who will discover inner elements like tabs) to navigate only thru the firsts DIV elements and not its childrends. I'm trying...
$.each($($("div"), x), function() {
shows: 1. some textother text 2. other text 3. just text
$.each($($("div"), x).siblings(), function() {
shows: 1. just text 2. some textother text
this is the most approximate, but I need in the correct order. any suggestion ? thanks
ps. because it's a plugin I cant do this.
$("#x", "div....")
I need to do this
#(newselector, x)