




1) I assume ObjectDataSource automatically binds to data source only on first request, but not on postbacks ( else ObjectDataSource.Selecting event would be fired on postbacks also, but it isn’t):

A) So only way to force ObjectDataSource to also bind on postbacks is by manually calling DataBind()?

2) Assuming DropDownList1 has DataSourceID set to ObjectDataSource1 , then first time page is loaded, ObjectDataSource1 will automatically call DropDownList1.DataBind() ( after Page.PreRender event) and insert retrieved data.

A) But what if we also manually call DropDownList1.DataBind() when page is first loaded:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if(!IsPostBack) DropDownList1.DataBind();

Will ObjectDataSource1 somehow notice that DropDownList1.DataBind() has already be called and thus won’t automatically call DropDownList1.DataBind() ?

B) Normally ObjectDataSource1.Selecting event is fired after Page.Prerender event.But what if DropDownList1.DataBind() is called inside *Page_Load()*?

Will in that case ObjectDataSource1.Selecting event be fired prior to Page.PreRender?


+1  A: 

Will in that case ObjectDataSource1.Selecting event be fired prior to Page.PreRender?
Yes it is called prior to Page.PreRender.
Reason: Each data bound control whose DataSourceID property is set calls its DataBind method in prerender event,

check page life cycle

Since the load event is called before prerender, and when call databind method then in your situation objectdatasource selected event fired before prerender

Muhammad Akhtar
I assume if the first time page is loaded we manually call DropDownList1.DataBind()(inside Page_Load()), then DropDownList1 won't again call DataBind() in PreRender event?!
yes, it is not called
Muhammad Akhtar
thanx for your help