I want to design a view in sql server 2005. Where can I get some good reading materials on this?
I'm guessing you already have access to SQL Server Books Online but just in case you don't, it's also available at MSDN. The CREATE VIEW topic is here:
I usually find the W3Schools site useful for introductory material:
With a google search I found this InformIT article that has a lot of explanation about views and their uses (6 pages). Though it's based on SQL Server 2000, a lot of it should be relevant since it's about the point of using views in general, also.
the best way to think about views is that they are a wrapped sql statement that you don't have to write over and over again. which they are :)
You don't really need a tutorial to get started. All you have to do is take a select
statement that you want to turn into a view, and put create view MyViewName as
in front of it.
Contrived example:
create view LargeTurtles as
select Name, Age, Gender from Turtles where Size > 50