In brief, just my opinions ...
Risks & Troubles (I found) :
- Routes can be a bit of a sticking point, IMHO until you get a complete handle on them, they're just a little awkward!
- Mocking of the Http objects is not as easy as I'd hoped, because of dependencies
- I'd guess the biggest risk is developing an applicaiton before the dev tem is completely up to speed with all the MVC features etc.
Main points to pay attention to
- Make sure that your domain design is correct from the outset.
- Choose a good mocking framework for your unit tests
- Take a look at The microsoft blog engine code: Oxite (downloadable from codeplex) excellent place to see how things should be done
- Get a good book! I've looked at a couple but found this one the best :
There are other MVC frameworks. Wikipedia has a list:
As a UI developer my preference would be to use MVC over Webforms now.