How do I install a service with some additional files in WiX, and define what file is the actual service EXE file?
Scenario: I had a service which was just a single EXE file, and installed it as a Windows NT service in WiX with this code:
<Component Id='InstallMyServiceComponent' Guid='{....}' DiskId='1'>
<File Id='InstallMyServiceEXEFile' LongName='MyService.exe'
Name='MyServ.exe' src='MyService/bin/release/MyService.exe' KeyPath='yes'/>
<ServiceInstall Id='InstallMyService' Name='MyService' Description='My Service'
ErrorControl='normal' Start='auto' Type='ownProcess' Vital='yes' />
<ServiceControl Id='UninstallMyService' Name='MyService' Remove='uninstall'
Wait='yes' />
<Component Id='RunMyServiceComponent' Guid='.......'>
<ServiceControl Id='RunMyService' Name='MyService' Start='install'
Stop='uninstall' Wait='no' />
and I had a feature which would then allow to install and optionally start this service.
Now, my problem is - now my service has grown, and the single EXE is no longer a single EXE - it's multiple files, EXE, DLL, and a few support files.
However, how can I install that now??
I tried to have a component with all my files
<Component Id="MyService" Guid="......" DiskId="1">
<File Id="fileMyService_framework_dll" LongName="Framework.dll"
Name="Framewrk.DLL" src="MyService\Framework.dll" />
<File Id="fileMyService_dal_dll" LongName="MyServiceDAL.dll"
Name="SrvcDAL.DLL" src="MyService\ServiceDAL.dll" />
<File Id="fileMyService_helpers_dll" LongName="Helpers.dll"
Name="Helpers.DLL" src="MyService\Helpers.dll" />
<File Id="fileMyService_exe" LongName="MyService.exe"
Name="MySrv.EXE" src="MyService\MyService.exe" />
First, I tried to just add the ServiceInstall and ServiceControl tags to this component:
<Component Id="MyService" Guid="......" DiskId="1">
<File Id="fileMyService_framework_dll" LongName="Framework.dll"
Name="Framewrk.DLL" src="MyService\Framework.dll" />
<File Id="fileMyService_dal_dll" LongName="MyServiceDAL.dll"
Name="SrvcDAL.DLL" src="MyService\ServiceDAL.dll" />
<File Id="fileMyService_helpers_dll" LongName="Helpers.dll"
Name="Helpers.DLL" src="MyService\Helpers.dll" />
<File Id="fileMyService_exe" LongName="MyService.exe"
Name="MySrv.EXE" src="MyService\MyService.exe" />
<ServiceInstall Id='InstallMyService' Name='MyService'
Description='My Service' ErrorControl='normal' Start='auto'
Type='ownProcess' Vital='yes' />
<ServiceControl Id='UninstallMyService' Name='MyService'
Remove='uninstall' Wait='yes' />
but then my "Framework.dll" gets set as the source path for the service being created........
So I thought I'd create a second component to actually install the service, using ServiceInstall, and I'd just reference that service EXE file using FileRef - but that doesn't seem to exist (at least in Wix2).
<Component Id='InstallMyServiceComponent' Guid='{....}' DiskId='1'>
<FileRef Id='fileMyService_exe' KeyPath='yes'/>
<ServiceInstall Id='InstallMyService' Name='MyService'
Description='My Service' ErrorControl='normal' Start='auto'
Type='ownProcess' Vital='yes' />
<ServiceControl Id='UninstallMyService' Name='MyService'
Remove='uninstall' Wait='yes' />
So - what is a poor WiX author gotta do to install all the necessary files, and still get the NT Service installation to pick up the correct EXE file (not just any arbitrary file from the component's list of files) ??