+1  A: 

Your second code snippet finds all elements that match #categoryList and binds a function to the change event. The problem is that there is no #categoryList element at that time, since you create it later on. Thus you need to do the binding after the list has been created.

and how do I do that?how can I create the binding after the list is created?
You need to hook into xajax and have it run the code in your second snippet when it has added the list. Since I don't know xajax I cannot tell you how.

I found a way to do a binding later using xajax. For some reason nowhere in the jquery file I was able to bind this function with the new drop down. My solution was to add the jquery scrip using xajaxResopnse->addScript(script) in the addDropdownMenu funciton like this

function addDropdownMenu($id){

  $xajaxResponse = new xajaxResponse();

  $html = /* CODE TO GENERATE LIST HERE */ ; 

  $javascript = /*"*///commented out " to visualize code better
    $('#categoryList').bind('change',function categoryListChange() 
      //get selected value from the dropdown menu
      var selected = "";
      $("#categoryList option:selected").each(function () 
        selected += $(this).text();

      bucketId = $('#categoryList').val(); 

      if(bucketId!= 0)


  $xajaxResponse->addAppend("categoryListContainer", "innerHTML", $html);


  return $xajaxResponse;  


first doing a bind for the new list like this $('#categoryList').bind('change',function categoryListChange() {...} and then adding the jquery script through $xajaxResponse->addScript($javascript);.
