



I am attempting to use Jquery to determine if an image has properly loaded or is broken.

The following works just fine (and returns true or false as of the state of the image) but only seems to work in IE, In firefox, it seems to always return "true" - even if the state is actually imcomplete:

    image = $("img#myImage");

What is the Firefox equivalent for image.complete in Javascript/Jquery

+1  A: 

I dont know if firefox has another prop, method that does it but, you can use this workaround:


//for each image declared in html
 document.images[index].complete= false;
 document.images[index].onload = function(){ this.complete= true};


You can't set the complete property of an image. It will throw an error because the property is read only.
+2  A: 

You could also try checking the one of the dimensions of the img element in addition to complete:

function isImageLoaded() {
    var theImage = $('#myImage'); 

    if (!theImage.get(0).complete) {
        return false;
    else if (theImage.height() === 0) {
        return false;

    return true;

An unloaded img or an img with an invalid src attribute should have .height() and .width() equal to 0 in Firefox. In Chrome and Opera neither method appears to work properly. In those browsers theImage.height() always returned a positive value in my testing.

I would think so too; but one of the examples I need to account for is as follows: One of the possible images this applies to resides on Amazon's cloud front, and if the security settings are such that the file exists, but access is denied; then it actually returns some XML content to that call, which the browser is returning a height of 15 and a width of 60. (or similar arbitrary values)
Interesting...I'll post again if I come across a solution.