Add the app.config to the ServiceConsole's project as a link (Add Existing Item, Navigate to it, and then choose "Add as Link" from the "Add" Split button). You'll then need to set that it's "Content" and "Always Copy" in the build properties for the link. Lastly, go into the "Files" dialog for the Publish tab, and make sure it's listed there. You may need to "Show all files" to see it.
For your second question: I have a tendency not to write to an app's settings file because the newly written settings are per-user. They get buried in one of those hidden folders inside the user's profile directory. I'd recommend using a fixed location (like CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS) using this code:
Private Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderPath Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA" _
(ByVal hwndOwner As IntPtr, <Out()> ByVal lpszPath As StringBuilder, ByVal nFolder As Integer, ByVal fCreate As Boolean) As Boolean
Private Const CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS As Integer = &H2E
Dim lpszPath As New StringBuilder(260)
If SHGetSpecialFolderPath(IntPtr.Zero, lpszPath, CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS, True) Then
_sharedDocsDir = lpszPath.ToString()
Throw New InvalidDataException("Couldn't get working directory root.")
End If
To answer your final question, I think the reason it works fine for me is that we use System.Configuration, instead of the designer-generated code. What you can probably do is pull your settings classes out to third assembly (fourth?) and just reference that assembly by both projects. It would probably work better than linking the app.config.