



I want to add graphics to a multiscaleimage. I use the project that Deep Zoom Composer auto generated when creating a multiscaleimage. Displaying the multiscaleimage from VS2008 works.

I've tried this and added the graphics to the maincanvas, without any results:

 <Canvas Name="maincanvas"/>

Edit: When the user zooms in on the multiscaleimage, the user can place geometrically figures on the image. E.g. place a rectangle next to a person in the image, which will act as a speech balloon. I know this can be done on the image before the image is scaled, but I would like to do it dynamically.

+1  A: 


In order to draw the grpahics over the particular image, first u need to find out the co-odrinates of the multiscale image..Am not sure abt reading co-ordinates of all the images in mutliscale canvass image... but there is a way you can do it on user selected image...

project silverlights wilfred posted an interesting article abt picking the selected multiscale item and its co-ordinates..

And there is a dedicated forum for deepzoom.. its very active one.. you can try that too..


Ramesh Vel

Ramesh Vel

By following the tutorial at link text, and then using the following code, made it possible to draw on top of the multiscaleimage.

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<MultiScaleImage x:Name="deepZoomObject" Source="source/dzc_output.xml"/>  
 <Line X1="10" Y1="100" X2="80" Y2="30" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="20" Canvas.Top="-16" Canvas.Left="238"></Line>

but i want to zoom the line i.e the graphics drawn on the multiscale image without the delay means flickering when i tell zoom in... please do answer for my mail id...
