function showlayer(layer){
var myLayer = document.getElementById(layer).style.display;
} else {
I need this code to close the current layer and them open another. These layers exist in the content div and are nested 12 deep.
For instance:
This is in the body of the container(navigation) to control the content container which is nested 12 deep. (I came up with an idea on my own but it wound up closing all layers making my web page disappear)
<li><a href="#" onclick="javascript:showlayer('USNews')">US News</a></li>
Hence when the navigation button marked US News is clicked via the above it opens
Now, if I have US News open, and I click on say Politics (the third nested layer, I want USNews (the first nest layer) to close and only Politics to open (noticing of course that Politics is the Third Layer and USNews is the first layer).. and so forth..
I've attempted if else statements but I have been out of this for years now and am just frustrated beyond belief... any help would be greatly appreciated