



Is there a quick & easy way to do this in jQuery that I'm missing?

I don't want to use the mouseover event because I'm already using it for something else. I just need to know if the mouse is over an element at a given moment.

I'd like to do something like this, if only there was an "IsMouseOver" function:

function hideTip(oi) {
    setTimeout(function() { if (!IsMouseOver(oi)) $(oi).fadeOut(); }, 100);
+3  A:

+6  A: 

Set a timeout on the mouseout to fadeout and store the return value to data in the object. Then onmouseover, cancel the timeout if there is a value in the data.

Remove the data on callback of the fadeout.

It is actually less expensive to use mouseenter/mouseleave because they do not fire for the menu when children mouseover/mouseout fire.

happytime harry
+1  A: 

Thanks to both of you. At some point I had to give up on trying to detect if the mouse was still over the element. I know it's possible, but may require too much code to accomplish.

It took me a little while but I took both of your suggestions and came up with something that would work for me.

Here's a simplified (but functional) example:

$("[HoverHelp]").hover (
    function () {
     var HelpID = "#" + $(this).attr("HoverHelp");
     $(HelpID).css("top", $(this).position().top + 25);
     $(HelpID).css("left", $(this).position().left);
     $(HelpID).attr("fadeout", "false");
    function () {
     var HelpID = "#" + $(this).attr("HoverHelp");
     $(HelpID).attr("fadeout", "true");
     setTimeout(function() { if ($(HelpID).attr("fadeout") == "true") $(HelpID).fadeOut(); }, 100);

And then to make this work on some text this is all I have to do:

<div id="tip_TextHelp" style="display: none;">This help text will show up on a mouseover, and fade away 100 milliseconds after a mouseout.</div>

This is a <span class="Help" HoverHelp="tip_TextHelp">mouse over</span> effect.

Along with a lot of fancy CSS, this allows some very nice mouseover help tooltips. By the way, I needed the delay in the mouseout because of tiny gaps between checkboxes and text that was causing the help to flash as you move the mouse across. But this works like a charm. I also did something similar for the focus/blur events.

Steve Wortham

// you can test with jQuery if any child div has a certain class. Then by applying that class when you mouse over and out out a certain div, you can test whether your mouse is over it, even when you mouse over a different element on the page Much less code this way. I used this because I had spaces between divs in a pop-up, and I only wanted to close the pop up when I moved off of the pop up, not when I was moving my mouse over the spaces in the pop up. So I called a mouseover function on the content div (which the pop up was over), but it would only trigger the close function when I moused-over the content div, AND was outside the pop up!



      if (!$(".expanded").hasClass("over")) {


Extending on what 'Happytime harry' said, be sure to use the .data() jquery function to store the timeout id. This is so that you can retrieve the timeout id very easily when the 'mouseenter' is triggered on that same element later, allowing you to eliminate the trigger for your tooltip to disappear.

Arthur Goldsmith
+4  A: 

This code illustrates what 'Happytime harry' and I are trying to say. When the mouse enters, a tooltip comes out, when the mouse leaves it sets a delay for it to disappear. If the mouse enters the same element before the delay is triggered, then we destroy the trigger before it goes off using the data we stored before.

    var someelement = this;
    var timeoutId = setTimeout(function(){ $(someelement).find(".tooltip").fadeOut("slow");}, 650);
    $(someelement).data('timeoutId', timeoutId); //set the timeoutId, allowing us to clear this trigger if the mouse comes back over

Best -Arthur

Arthur Goldsmith

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