I'm using Peter Below's PBThreadedSplashForm to display during application startup. It gets updated as various databases are opened during the creation of the data module (just before the main form is created).
The problem is that we have a check for the existence of certain things that is done during the creation of the data module. If any of those items are missing, a modal dialog is shown so that either the item can be created or the application closed. (The missing items are typically indexes, and the dialog is primarily used when we reindex databases, so it's aimed at the developers and not normal users.) However, the modal dialog is displayed behind the splash screen; it appears to be the focused window, as the caption changes, but it displays behind the splash screen.
The splash screen is created using the Windows API CreateWindowEx() from a different thread than the main process, using the following code:
procedure TPBSplashThread.CreateSplashWindow;
TopmostStyle: Array [Boolean] of DWORD = (0, WS_EX_TOPMOST );
NoActivateStyle : Array [Boolean] of DWORD = (0, WS_EX_NOACTIVATE );
wsize: TSize;
wsize.cx := FSurface.Width + GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXEDGE ) * 2;
wsize.cy := FSurface.Height + GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYEDGE ) * 2;
FWnd := CreateWindowEx(
TopmostStyle[ FTopmost ] or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
or NoActivateStyle[ Win32MajorVersion >= 5 ],
MakeIntResource( FWndClass ),
Forigin.x, Forigin.y,
wsize.cx, wsize.cy,
0, 0, hInstance, self );
If FWnd = 0 Then
raise exception.create('TPBSplashThread.CreateSplashWindow: CreateWindowEx failed');
FTopmost is a property (with the obvious meaning) that is never set, so it's False due to the default initialization during class construction. (I've also tried explicitly setting it to False, just in case, with no effect.) I've also tried using SetForegroundWindow() and SetWindowPos() during the OnShow event of the modal dialog with no effect.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this?