



I'm writing some unit tests that rely on StructureMap so I want to completely reset the ObjectFactory in my [SetUp] method. This is what my [SetUp] method looks like right now:

public void SetUp()
    ObjectFactory.Initialize(initializationExpression => {});

This appears to reset the configuration because I can execute the ObjectFactory.WhatDoIHave() method and it does not contain any of my configuration. However, cached instances of objects are not removed and are returned in subsequent tests. Is there a way to completely reset the ObjectFactory?

I thought I might have to use ObjectFactory.EjectAllInstancesOf(), but that doesn't appear to help.

I'm using version 2.5.3.

Here is some contrived code to show what I'm talking about. I would expect this test to pass, but it doesn't.

public class TestingStructureMap
    public void FirstTestUsingCachedObjects()
        ObjectFactory.Configure(configure =>

        ISomeInterface firstSomeInterface = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ISomeInterface>();
        Assert.AreEqual(1, firstSomeInterface.ID);

        ObjectFactory.Initialize(initializationExpression => { });

        ObjectFactory.Configure(configure =>

        ISomeInterface secondSomeInterface = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ISomeInterface>();
        Assert.AreEqual(2, secondSomeInterface.ID);

    public interface ISomeInterface
        int ID { get; }

    public class SomeImplementation : ISomeInterface
        private static int NumberOfInstancesCreated;
        private readonly int id;

        public int ID
            get { return id; }

        public SomeImplementation()
            id = ++NumberOfInstancesCreated;

Not exactly an answer but to have you considered wrinting your test such that you do not rely on the ObjectFactory but the StructureMap container?

var c = new StructureMap.Container(ce=>

In that case you can simply recreate the container and my guess is that it should be in pristine condition.

I modified the test I posted above to use the container instead and it still fails.
Stefan Moser
Recreating the container is pretty darned slow though ...

I've figured it out. ObjectFactory.EjectAllInstancesOf() is actually dependant on there being a configuration for T. In my code, I nullified the effectiveness of ObjectFactory.EjectAllInstancesOf() by first clearing all of the configuration. If I swith these two lines of code, it works.

This does NOT work:

ObjectFactory.Initialize(initializationExpression => { });

This DOES work:

ObjectFactory.Initialize(initializationExpression => { });
Stefan Moser