There are a few things to take into account before you decide which solution to use:
If your table is large (or could become large) your audit trail needs to be in a seperate table as you describe or performance will suffer.
If you need an audit that can't (potentially) be modified except to add new entries it needs to have INSERT permissions only for the application (and to be cast iron needs to be on a dedicated logging server...)
I would avoid creating audit records in the same table as it might be confusing to another developer (who might no realize they need to filter out the old ones without dates) and will clutter the table with audit rows, which will force the db to cache more disk blocks than it needs to (== performance cost). Also to index this properly might be a problem if your db does not index NULLS. Querying for the most recent version will involve a sub-query if you choose to time stamp them all.
The cleanest way to solve this, if your database supports it, is to create an UPDATE TRIGGER on your news table that copies the old values to a seperate audit table which needs only INSERT permissions). This way the logic is built into the database, and so your applications need not be concerned with it, they just UPDATE the data and the db takes care of keeping the change log. The body of the trigger will just be an INSERT statement, so if you haven't written one before it should not take long to do.
If I knew which db you are using I might be able to post an example...