I have a few projects coming up that have a number of endpoints or clients that can hit the same data. For instance a site might have...
- A asp.net MVC based end user facing website
- A web based adminitration back end that can allow specific, limited updates from some users in situatiosn where a full client isn't useful (mobile web etc)
- A full on rich client for administration so we can use touch and other techniques to really make the user experience for content management shine - these may be silverlight or full on WPF apps, as needed
The question is... whats the best way to connect all that? Right now I use a multiple project split for the MVC.
- ProjectName.Core - this project has all the common models, all the repository classes and all the helper classes
- ProjectName.Web - an MVC project that references the Core to pull in the repositories and models it needs
- ProjectName.Admin.Web - another MVC project dedicated to the admin interface that references the Core to pull in the repositories and models it needs (which will ultimately live on a seperate subdomain from the end user facing site)
Then the story peters out int he sense of clear guidance. When the time comes to build a WPF / Silverlight project to hit the data I can do one of the following to the best of my understanding now...
- Convert the "Core" to provide a RIA style DomainService, and attempt to alter the MVC projects to make use of it. However there is little guidance on using MVC with RIA, RIA is in its infancy AND the WPF to RIA story is also still only thinly documented
- Do the same as above, but using WCF. However WCF prings with it async complexity that I really want RIA to hide for me.
- Fall back 20 yards and just bolt plain old web services onto the Core on top of the Repositories and Models I already have. This seems... old school :)
Any thoughs and input are welcome including pointers to examples and documentation. I want to make the best decisions I can now, and am coming up to speed fast on RIA and WCF so I can but community input is always helpful.