Hi All, I have written the sql by name cashload.txt on unix box and kept it on the following location on unix box:
exit |sqlplus -s batch/password@SW_TEST @/soft/checkfree/AccurateBXG/scripts/cashload.txt
In the cashload.txt the below code is written:
spool /Detail/reports/inner/SW/Rep_OIbyAccount_$DATE_FILE.csv
select accountnumber||','||accountname||','||X from HSBC_Cash_OIbyAccount_v;
spool off
But it is not spooling the result set on the above mentioned path.However,when I am giving the path where the script is kept,It is spooling at that location.I don't understand why?It is spooling at the below path where the cashload.txt(sql script) is kept:
**spool /soft/checkfree/AccurateNXG/scripts/Rep_OIbyAccount.csv**
select accountnumber||','||accountname||','||X from HSBC_Cash_OIbyAccount_v;
spool off
Please look into the above query and help me out. Thanks in advance!!!