Im getting this when running a query like this WITHOUT inserting in any table. in SSMS 2008.
select iav.* from ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE iav where iav.attribute_value != '' and ISNUMERIC(iav.attribute_value) = 0
Why would it do this ?
Im getting this when running a query like this WITHOUT inserting in any table. in SSMS 2008.
select iav.* from ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE iav where iav.attribute_value != '' and ISNUMERIC(iav.attribute_value) = 0
Why would it do this ?
For a start you will probably want "<>" as opposed to "!=" in SQL Server.
Also, ISNUMERIC will probably have to truncate iav.attribute_value to try and test if it is a number, probably to the length of maximum int which is 2147483647 (signed) - so to 10 characters long - hence the warning.
If you look at the spec of ISNUMERIC you can see it looks for anything up to BIGINT.
BIGINT's maximum is 9223372036854775807, which is 19 characters long. So if your attribute_value is greater than 19 characters long it will be truncated in an attempt to test it is a valid number that is usable within SQL Server.
Is it possible that the length of all fields returned, is greater then 8000 characters?
I think that might cause that error.
Try only returning the columns you need, or just a portion of a column, if it's greater then 8000 characters in length.
The main reason is one must be taking a temporary table(or something same) within the stored procedure and temporary table's datatype and the actual table's datatype must be having a mismatch in size.