




So far I've only come across very bland docbook examples. I'm sure DocBook can do a LOT but does anybody have examples where styling is done and a really impressive PDF can be generated?

+4  A: 

Have you read any of the O'Reilly books? According to docbook.org,

O'Reilly Media is a technical publisher that helped spark the development of DocBook and uses DocBook today as the canonical archival representation of its non-graphic-intensive books and articles (the vast majority). In addition, O'Reilly has started a pure-DocBook workflow for books (from author manuscript to the printer PDFs) (again, as we did this with a few generations of earlier tools)

I wouldn't call O'Reilly's books bland by any means :) Also, that link describes several other "big projects" that use docbook.

Mark Rushakoff
I'll give you a +1, but my question was more directed at actual XML examples of stunning books. Ie. XML that I can use to base my own work of and just see what impressive code looks like.
+1  A: 


Your Google-fu is lacking my friend. Try doing a search on a common but unusual element names and restricting the search to filetype:XML (say: bridgehead mediaobject filetype:xml)

This returns some examples. Here's one, and here's another.

Your larger point is valid. We do need a book of DocBook examples, and perhaps one on DocBook patterns.

+1  A: 

What about what Norm Walsh says? "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide by Bob Stayton and published by Sagehill Enterprises is the definitive guide to using the DocBook XSL stylesheets. It provides the necessary documentation to realize the full potential of DocBook publishing. It covers all aspects of DocBook publishing tools, including installing, using, and customizing the stylesheets and processing tools."
