I'm trying to use XSDObjectGen as a PreBuild in Visual Studio 2008.
I can run it on the command line:
XSDObjectGen\XSDObjectGen.exe AnalyticsDomainModel.xsd /l:cs /d /p /n:AdaptorAnalyticDomainModel.Primatives /n:AdaptorAnalyticDomainModel /f:AnalyticDomainModel
This then prompts for me to type two names spaces:
Imported namespaces were found. Please enter valid .NET namespace names for each namespace. WARNING. Namespaces chosen must not conflict with types and element names from the schemas. Xsd namespace = http://sempra.com/schema/adm/primatives/1.0. Please enter a CLR namespace name for this namespace: AdaptorDomainModel.Primatives Xsd namespace = http://sempra.com/schema/adm/1.0. Please enter a CLR namespace name for this namespace: AdaptorDomainModel Done. Success Writing file AdaptorDomainModel.cs. Writing file AdaptorDomainModel.Primatives.cs.
an I have to type the bits after "namespace:". Because it requires me to enter the name spaces manually I can't automate the process.
How do I pass in the two arguments on the command line? Is this a bug?