I have a table which would contain information about a certain month, and one column in that row would have mysql row id's for another table in it to grab multiple information from
is there a more efficent way to get the information than exploding the ids and doing seperate sql queryies on each... here is an example:
Row ID | Name | Other Sources
1 Test 1,2,7
the Other Sources
has the id's of the rows from the other table which are like so
Row ID | Name | Information | Link
1 John | No info yet? | http://blah.com
2 Liam | No info yet? | http://blah.com
7 Steve| No info yet? | http://blah.com
and overall the information returned wold be like the below
Hi this page is called test... here is a list of our sources
- John (No info yet?) find it here at http://blah.com
- Liam (No info yet?) find it here at http://blah.com
- Steve (No info yet?) find it here at http://blah.com
i would do this... i would explode the other sources by , and then do a seperate SQL query for each, i am sure there could be a better way?