



How to compare 2 gridviews which bind to a same table in C#?

  1. For example if the table name is employees, i need to bind to two grids - Grid1 and Grid2.

  2. The Employees tables reside in two different Access databases.

    Grid1- Connects to Database1 - Binds Employee table and Grid2- Connects to Database2 - Binds Employee table

  3. If i have 3 rows in Grid1 and if i have 2 rows in Grid2, then 3rd row of Grid1- Connects to Database1 - Binds Employee should be shown in red color and when i click an update button outside the grid, the 3rd row should be updated in Grid2.

Comparing and Syncing

Please give some help on this.

Thanks in advance.


Do this on buttonclick. I'm not sure i understand your question fully but just bind them then compare them.

If gridview1.rows.count > gridview2.rows.count then

 GridView1.Rows(GridView1.Rows.Count - 1).backcolor = red

end if

Why don't you compare datatables? Get index of rows which are different in a collection. Then iterate through each row of gridview and set the background color as Eric has suggested.