I just created a LaTeX document and compile it to a PDF using pdftex. Every time I make a reference using the \ref command, the reference is put on a new line. Why does this happen and how do I prevent this?
Are you by any chance using \\ in URLs instead of //? \\ is used as a linebreak in TeX.
Try to localize the problem: create a new file which initializes hyperref the same way, uses no other packages, and has some text and a reference. Check if references still start on new lines. If they do, you can show it here (and on LaTeX forums); if not, add more of your report's preamble until you get a file which exhibits the problem.
Can you prepare a minimum example demonstrating your problem?
I've tried with:
\usepackage[pdftex,breaklinks=true,bookmarks=true,bookmarksopen= true,pdfpagemode=UseNone,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,pdfstartview=FitH,olorlinks=true,citecolor=blue]{hyperref}
Test \url{http://test.com} \ref{http://someother.com}.
And the whole output is a single line in PDF.
BTW \ref is used to produce internal document links (like in "As described in chapter \ref{chapter:second}...").
It was my own fault, I used \par for the paragraph sign instead of \P. This is one of my first LaTeX documents, so I overlooked it. Thanks for the quick responses/answers though.