




Using JQuery I am sending an Ajax GET to a web server. The web server is replying with an xml block like this;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
     some response here
     some response here

The jQuery get looks like this;


The xmlProcess funcion like this;

function xmlProcess(data){  
        t = ?what?; 

My problem is that the stuff being sent back from the server, in the "some response here" part is xhtml. So I can access it as xml using stuff like

t = jQuery(this).find("div").attr("id");

But what I really want is the "some response here" part as text, ie as a string. So the string can contain, for example;

<div id"bob">hello</div>

If you want it as text, then write the XML so that it is text.

i.e. use &lt; for < and so on.

David Dorward
yes, this is a possibility. In some cases though I might not have control of the server so I'm still interested in a client-side answer. However if I have no success then encoding the text on the server side is a possibility. Thanks.

If I'm understanding the question correctly, you can convert the response object to a string like this:

    //for IE 
    if (window.ActiveXObject) {
        var string = data.xml;
    // code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.
    else {
       var string = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(data);
this is close, I'd like to serialize each response element separately, and the above serialises the whole response. But I'm researching more along these lines.
@Bruce - so use the above to serialize each node - I'll edit the answer.
@Karim79, I tried that first off. as in var string = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(i);but it spits an error because i ie an Element Object, not an XML object.
@Bruce, I see. I'm looking into this, I'll get back to you.
@Karim79 - no that's inaccurate. It spit the error because i is not an element. I added " t = jQuery("response",data).get(i); then string = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(t); and I got the XML of the element. Now all I need to do is refine it a bit so I get the _contents_ of the element, not including the element boundary itself. Thanks!
@Bruce - just wrap that in a jQuery object and use a selector on it, i.e.: jQuery(theNodeString)
@Karim79 - sorry that zoomed over my head. Can you define "it" and "that"? at the moment I have t, which contains the Element.
as it's a string, stripping off the first tag, and last close tag is pretty simple. ix = string.indexOf('>')+1; jx = string.lastIndexOf('<'); string = string.substring(ix,jx);
@Bruce - that'll do it :)
@Karim79 - thanks - really appreciate it.

Every Element should have an "innerHTML" property. If that doesn't work, try the toString() method on the element.

Paul Tarjan

This can actually be done very simply, the .text() method of jquery retrieves everything between the selected tag as a string, which seems to be what you want: t = $(this).text(); alert(t); you shouldn't have to mess around replacing < with &lt e.t.c...

Have fun, good luck, let me know if you get good results!
