



Which are your favorite windows forms books/blogs/websites? (I don't think this is a dup...have checked other related questions)

+3  A: 

I usually check it has resources for both WinForms & WPF

+1  A:

This helped me a lot when i was new to winforms (disclaimer: that was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... so i don't know if it's still up to date).

Yeah. This one used to rock at that time (circa 2003).
Alfred Myers
+2  A: 

I've found Windows Forms 2.0 Programming by by Chris Sells and Michael Weinhardt to be very useful.


The site indicated by Teodor really helped me out back in 2003 when I started studying/using Windows Forms.

If you're really into Windows Forms you should really take a look at data binding and there happens to be a book on this specific topic.

Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET (Microsoft .NET Development Series) Author: Brian Noyes ISBN: 032126892X

I've seen a lot of people saying bad things about data binding only to reinvent the wheel in a worse way. I highly recommend reading this book for that matter.

Alfred Myers

It would be know how the CLR works first

CLR via C# by Jeffrey Richter

Programming .NET with C# by Andrew Toelson ( APress ) a very good book

Programming Windows Forms - by Charles Petzold

Sujay Ghosh
+1  A: 

Book: CLR Via C#. Hands down best C# book evar. I just recently dusted it off to help me understand how to work with multiple appdomains to keep different versions of the same assembly separated.

Websites: Here, lol; (standard disclaimer here), and Codeplex is THE place to store your code, folks. If you're working on something and you don't need to keep your code private, create a project on codeplex and use it for source control. That is, unless you're a svn guy, in which case use or one of the other free online svn control providers.

Blogs: CH, of course... the Gu, the Haack, Hanselman, Cazzulino... I've got a big blogroll at work, but these are the ones I remember with the most and best info.

