I'm using an IPC queue to do process synchronization.
I always get the EIDRM eror when sending an receiving messages from an IPC queue, but i can see that the queue is there with ipcs.
I've been for 2 hours searching but i can't see the error.
the following code is a stripped down version that gives me the same error.
#define CLAVE 53543961
#define TAM_BUFFER 1024
#define PERMISOS 0777
#define DEBUG
int Cola_Mensages;
int msgqid;
typedef struct {
long mtype;
char mtext[TAM_BUFFER];
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
msgbuf msg_ipc;
int num_cli,i, i_aux;
if(argc == 2){
num_cli = atoi(argv[1]);
num_cli = 1;
//Creating the queue
if(msgqid = msgget(CLAVE,PERMISOS|IPC_CREAT)<0){
fprintf(stderr,"Problema al crear la cola de mensages IPC\n");
if(msgqid < 0){
fprintf(stderr,"Problema al crear la cola de mensages IPC\n");
for(i = 0;i<num_cli;i++){
//here i get the error
if(i_aux == -1)
fprintf(stderr,"Error enviando msg ipc %s \n",strerror(errno));
msg_ipc.mtype = 2;
printf("Enviando msg\n");
for(i = 0;i<num_cli;i++){
printf("Enviado msg %d\n",i);
//here i also get the same error
if (msgsnd(msgqid,(char *) &msg_ipc,strlen(msg_ipc.mtext),0)!=0)
fprintf(stderr,"Ocurrio el error %s en msgsnd\n",strerror(errno));
if (msgctl(msgqid,IPC_RMID,(struct msqid_ds *) NULL)<0)
fprintf(stderr,"Error al borrar la cola de mensajes de clave %d\n",CLAVE);
return 0;