



Hi folks,

I'm used to loading some children results (for a parent result) using the LoadWith syntax. Works great. Is there a way I can limit these LoadWith results to the most recent 5 or something?

I've got some pseduo code with some inline comments to help explain what I'm trying to do...


IList<Parent> results;

using (DataBaseContext db = new MyDb())
    var dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
    dlo.LoadWith<Parent>(x => x.Child1);  // We only want the most recent 10.
    dlo.LoadWith<Parent>(x => x.Child2);  // All of these...
    dlo.LoadWith<Parent>(x => x.Child3);  // Only the most recent 1.
    db.LoadOptions = dlo;

    results = (from p in Parent
               orderby p.Id descending
               select p).Take(5).ToList();

Cheers :)

+2  A: 

This should work, assuming you set the sort order to what makes sense. (DataLoadOptions.AssociateWith() Reference)

IList<Parent> results;

using (DataBaseContext db = new MyDb())
    var dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
    dlo.LoadWith<Parent>(x => x.Child1);  // We only want the most recent 10.
    dlo.AssociateWith<Parent>(x => x.Child1.OrderByDescending(c => c.Date).Take(10));
    dlo.LoadWith<Parent>(x => x.Child2);  // All of these...
    dlo.LoadWith<Parent>(x => x.Child3);  // Only the most recent 1.
    dlo.AssociateWith<Parent>(x => x.Child3.OrderByDescending(c => c.Date).Take(1));
    db.LoadOptions = dlo;

    results = (from p in Parent
               orderby p.Id descending
               select p).Take(5).ToList();

EDIT BY Pure Krome

Please note (anyone who reads this) that if you use the AssociateWith method, you HAVE TO preceed it with a LoadWith. Notice how we LoadWith(child1) and the next line we AssociateWith(..some funky-ass lambda) ?? That's good -> if u forget to put in the LoadWith before the AssociateWith, no sql will be generated and nothing will be returned for that child.

Ryan Versaw
Squirt! It works!! I've always wondered what AssociateWith, was/is/does. *Sauce full of awesome*. Thank you, Ryan. Thank you.