



Summary: I'd like to view my text in vim with a small bit of extra vertical space between some lines.

I'm writing latex in vim, and have each sentence on a new line. I'd like to add a little bit of vertical space (a few pixels) between sentences to make them clearer. I don't want to add anything to the buffer, just to how I view it.

I don't want to add a whole newline, as that has meaning in latex.

Example text:

Conventional wisdom states that a compiled program should run an
order-of-magnitude faster than an interpreted program.
In our experience, however, dynamic scripting languages do not follow this rule
of thumb.
Instead, a program written in a scripting language spends most of its run-time
handling dynamic features, such as dynamic types and \code{zval}s.
This limits the potential improvement of simply removing the interpreter loop.
This is particularly important for a compiler like \phc{} which re-uses the PHP
system, as many of the code paths executed will be the same, whether the program
is interpreted or compiled.

Any ideas?


Maybe something with breakat, linebreak, showbreak and linespace, but I dont think this is enough.

  • linespace will put space between every line, but I'd like space only after lines ending in .
  • The others aren't enough without some equivalent to linespace
+5  A: 


If you're using gvim, can't you do a

:set linespace=5




Rob Wells
Yeah. Looks good. It would be great to localize it only the lines with a `.` in them.
Paul Biggar
@Paul, Sorry mate, I think that that setting is locked in the global space.
Rob Wells