- I have installed drupal on my localmachine(ubuntu, Xampp), at localhost.
- Path and Pathauto modules are active (a module to produce friendly URLs).
Migrating/Pushing my local install to the www.mysite.com
- Exported SQL from phpMyadmin(localhost).
- Made a new DB at live site (I think a different name from the localhost-DB does not create any problem).
- Imported SQL into phpMyadmin, (mysite).
- Changed the username-password-DBname in the sites/default/settings.php in drupal folder.
- Now, uploaded the drupal folder and all its content into the /www of the "mysite.com".
Visited the URL www.mysite.com, site looks same as on my localhost, good.
But --
I made a tryPage on my localhost/drupal, for which pathauto(cleanURL) recommended the URL "content/trypage" which i explicitly changed to "trypage", so that absolute link to the page is "localhost/drupal/trypage" and not "localhost/drupal/content/trypage".
Now When i click the trypage link on the mysite, it open's it in-reference to my localhost, my local-pages are opened. That is, when I click newpage on the mysite.com, the URL requested is "localhost/drupal/newpage" and not "www.mysite.com/newpage".Do you think it is coz of the SEO friendly URL generation issue, the Pathauto module.
Anyways how do i solve this
If I make my "localhost/drupal" to open from same URL (mysite.com), i dont know how to do that exactly, i think by configuring vhosts. But if i do that, then the URL www.mysite.com where will it take me, local or online.- Now If i add new modules, new content, new pages, and new books on my localhost site, and wish to update mysite.com, do i have to redo SQL export/import everytime, and use a software like rsync/sitecopy(), to upload the folders on the live site. How do i solve this.