




I've done quite a bit of googling and searching here on SO, but couldn't find a similar question or answer.

In typical SM configuration you can add multiple named instances for a single PluginType:

  .AddInstances( x => {
      x.OfConcreteType<FooA>().WithName( "FooA" );
      x.OfConcreteType<FooB>().WithName( "FooB" );
    } );

No problem there. The problem is that I can't do the same when creating a profile. Most examples explaining how to use profiles use the For<>() method of the passed ProfileExpression:

CreateProfile( "Default", p => {
  } );

I can't seem to find a way to add multiple named instances for the same PluginType as you can do above with regular configuration. The only other method available through ProfileExpression is Type<>(), but I'm not sure if it can be used for this purpose.

Edit: I tried to use Type<>() instead of For<>() and it seems to be taking me in the right direction, but I bumped into another problem. To better explain it here's a better example of what I'm trying to do (this is what I posted to the structuremap-users group, no answer yet):

ObjectFactory.Initialize( x => {
    x.CreateProfile( "Nissan", p =>
        p.Type<ICar>().Is.OfConcreteType<NewNissanCar>().WithName( "New" );
            p.Type<ICar>().Is.OfConcreteType<OldNissanCar>().WithName( "Old" );
    } );

    x.CreateProfile( "Honda", p =>
        p.Type<ICar>().Is.OfConcreteType<NewHondaCar>().WithName( "New" );
        p.Type<ICar>().Is.OfConcreteType<OldHondaCar>().WithName( "Old" );
    } );

} );

ObjectFactory.Profile = "Nissan";

ICar newCar = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<ICar>( "New" ); // -> returns NewHondaCar
ICar car = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICar>(); // -> returns OldNissanCar

So even though I set the profile to "Nissan", GetNamedInstance<>("New") returned an instance from the incorrect profile - it should've returned NewNissanCar instead of NewHondaCar.

Interestingly, GetInstance<>() uses the correct profile, but because I can't pass an instance name, it returns an arbitrary concrete type from that profile that implements ICar (I guess it just returns the last concrete type added for that interface).


I'm not 100% sure on the syntax, but I believe this is correct:

container = new Container(x => {

        .AddInstances(y =>


Chris Missal
That would work if I wanted to reuse an existing named instance. Unfortunately I'd like to register a new concrete type and give it a name. After looking at the example I gave in the question I think I should've not used FooA again in the profile. I'll try to fix it to clarify my intention.