



Simple query - I am looking for recommendations for a .NET library that supports XSLT 2.0 (if one exists).


+4  A: 

Try saxon, or the Altova engine which powers XMLSpy is also available for free directly from them.

Martin Harris
It should be noted that neither is strictly native. Saxon is written in Java, and cross-compiled to .NET using IKVM. Consequently, you have to distribute IKVM runtime (which is mostly a bunch of Java classes recompiled for .NET), which is fairly large. But at least it's all managed code in the end. Altova is a COM component, so you get all the wonders (and perf) of COM interop, and installation hassles as well; and, of course, your code will need FullTrust. I'd recommend Saxon - it is pure managed, and performance-wise it is still better.
Pavel Minaev