+1  A: 

Simple answer is that IE doesn't support the type value of application/javascript. The RFC 4329 which recommends it obviously came after the release of IE6, I guess the MS developers didn't feel the need to even support the MIME type.

Indeed. There's some discussion about whether that should change, but obviously that would make it easy for developers to inadvertantly build sites that don't work in 60+% of the world's browsers.
EricLaw -MSFT-
Recently already a bit less than 60% of the world's browsers. Yay!
+3  A: 

"text/javascript" is the only type that is supported by all three browsers. However, you don't actually need to put a type. The type attribute of a script tag will default to "text/javascript" if it is not otherwise specified. How that will affect validation, I'm not sure. But does that really matter anyway?
