



I'm using NHibernate as my ORM. I have a situation where I have some stuff wrapped in an ITransaction. I am listening to the SaveUpdate event in NHibernate and then doing my entity validation in that SaveUpdate handler.

For one of my entities, I want to validate that the value of a certain property hasn't changed. So I figured that I would load up the value of the existing object from the database and compare it with the new value. The problem is that I called ITransaction.Commit() to save my entity object and the transaction hasn't actually been committed at the time that validation occurs, so I can't load the existing object from the database because the transaction has it locked.

So I guess I have a few different questions here: - Is the SaveUpdate event the correct place to do validation? - Is there another way I can do this so that I can do the validation that I need to do (getting the existing value from the database and comparing)?

I'm sure someone else out there has run into a similar situation...... hopefully!


Validation has nothing to do with persistence, so saveupdate is not the right place. The correct place of validation depends on: what you want to validate, your programming style, the UI framework you use to show the validation messages, etc. Personally, I prefer to put the validation on the place where things are changed, so I would put it in the change method that sets the property. I don't understand why you want to load the entity in the previous state, because that state is already loaded when you load it for the first time.

I disagree. I ultimately want to validate my entities before the save, so I think it does have something to do with persistence. Putting validation on properties works for simple cases, but sometimes the validation rules involve more than just a single entity (e.g. a bank account can only have one primary account holder).
Jon Kruger
That not a reason to not use methods to change things in your entities. The aggregate root should be responsible for validating it's child entities.
But what about when I save a child entity of an aggregate root?
Jon Kruger
You shouldn't save them separate from the root, but with the root

If you want to see an example of how to do validation, I suggest checking out ScottGu's NerdDinner. Although he's using Linq to SQL for his ORM, it's very easy to adapt it to NHibernate.

I recently used a validation system similar to the NerdDinner one in an ASP.NET MVC + NHibernate project with great success.
