1) Suppose GridView1 is bound to ObjectDataSource and that GridView1.SelectedIndex is set to value 7. If we then rebind GridView1 by calling GridView1.DataBind(), GridView.SelectedIndex will still retain its initial value ( 7 ).
Are there any other properties which GridView remembers across rebinding operations?
2) Suppose GridView1 is bound to ObjectDataSource control. When GridView1’s row gets deleted, we can call GridView1.DataBind() inside GridView1.RowDeleted event handler to retrieve values from data source. If we don’t call Gridview1.DataBind inside that event handler, then DataBind() will automatically be called by Asp.Net and the result will be the same.
So are there any reasons why we should manually call GridView.DataBind( inside RowDeleted event handler ) instead of letting Asp.Net call it automatically?