



This is a question related to how people are handling a situation in the user interface for a web application. I have a page which is displayed when a user wants to create/edit a Parent object. It has a few attributes related to this Parent object, as well as a Save button so the Parent can be saved. Each Parent object has a collection of Child objects (displayed in a grid on the same page), and on this same screen the user can add/modify/remove Child objects, similar to the following:

Parent Information:

ParentName:   [textbox]
ParentDate:   [datepicker]

Children Information:

ChildName      ChildDate       Delete
[textbox]      [datepicker]    [button]
[textbox]      [datepicker]    [button]
[textbox]      [datepicker]    [button]

[Add Child button]

[Save button]   [Cancel button]

Notice that I really want to only have buttons when I need to: one Save button (to rule them all!). I am trying to enable the following scenario when the user is creating or editing a Parent object:

  1. The user modifies Parent information (nothing saved to database yet)
  2. The user adds/modifies/removes Child objects (nothing saved to database yet)
  3. The user clicks Save (and all Parent and Child information is saved)

Through all kinds of fancy AJAX-ish stuff I can make this happen without page refreshes, but I am saving all the intermediate changes to the into the user's session on the web server each time in the meantime. For example: the user clicks "Add" button (to add a new Child object), so I go into the session, retrieve the Parent object I already had put there and add a new Child to the collection of Child objects, then bind this to the datalist. The next time the "Add" button is clicked, I have to save off the changes the user made to the first Child entry back into the object I retrieved from the session and repeat the process.

Is this crazy? Maybe I am trying to force "state" onto a "stateless" web application and shouldn't be doing that. I understand the concept of having per-lineitem editing in a grid, but that just seems silly for small screens where there's a couple of pieces of info for the Parent, a couple for each Child, and it's a lot of extra clicking for the user.

I think this question is technology independent, but just in case you need to know this is an ASP.NET web app.


I've done this sort of dynamic form generation work before also, and I tend to not save any of the user's input to the session. Sure, I'll query the server to ask about an object, but I won't expect the server to save any state information until I'm ready to post the form.

I don't think you're crazy, you're using a dynamic form and that's OK!

Thanks very much for your help!
David McClelland