You can have your oracle procedure take an XML parameter and use sql to extract the information. If you are passing in multiple lines and want oracle to break them up and process them one line at a time there may be a performance hit. I have found that using the calling program to extract the xml and call the stored procedure over and over with each record was mush faster. Below is an example on XML parameters and extraction:
PROCEDURE ProcedureName(xml_i IN XMLTYPE)
DISTINCT EXTRACT(VALUE(level1), '//column_name1/text()').getNumberVal() AS column_name1
, EXTRACT(VALUE(level1), '//PathPart1/text()').getNumberVal() As column_name2
, EXTRACT(VALUE(level1), '// PathPart1/text()').getStringVal() AS column_name3
, Constants.no_c
FROM xml_doc_l
, TABLE(XMLSequence(EXTRACT(X.xml_doc, '/path3'))) level1;
I extracted and inserted the data into a global temporary table that I used for processing. Once processing was complete I would do a commit which would empty the temporary table automatically. I was processing 150k sql statements an hour with this process.
You will need to do some more research on the extract procedure and read oracle’s examples. It is somewhat cumbersome to follow. If you start with a very easy example it will make help you finalize your solution.