Running the following program will print "space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes." I have read this and this, but still don't know how to resolve my problem. I am using foldr, shouldn't it be guaranteed to be "tail recursive"?
I feel great about Haskell so far until I know I should prevent "space overflow" when using the powerful recursion. :)
module Main where
import Data.List
value a b =
let l = length $ takeWhile (isPrime) $ map (\n->n^2 + a * n + b) [0..]
in (l, a ,b)
euler27 = let tuple_list = [value a b | a <-[-999..999] , b <- [-999..999]]
in foldr (\(n,a,b) (max,v) -> if n > max then (n , a * b) else (max ,v) ) (0,0) tuple_list
main = print euler27
EDIT: remove the definiton of isPrime
for simplicity