



I have been building a JSF application using JPA to access the DB. There are a number of entities.

I want to create a search results screen that shows columns from more than one entity in a table. These entities do not have foreign key relationships.

To achieve this I have used a EnttityManager.createNativeQuery and specified an EntityMapping, like so:

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("select as id1, as bb1, as cc1, " + " as id2, t2.aa as aa2, as bb2 " + " from table1 t, table2 t2 where = '22' and = 2", "TestMapping");

result = q.getResultList();

TestMapping looks like this:

@SqlResultSetMapping(name = "TestMapping", entities = { @EntityResult(entityClass = Table1.class, fields = { @FieldResult(name = "id", column = "id1"), @FieldResult(name = "bb", column = "bb1"), @FieldResult(name = "cc", column = "cc1")} ), @EntityResult(entityClass = Table2.class, fields = { @FieldResult(name = "id", column = "id2"), @FieldResult(name = "aa", column = "aa2"), @FieldResult(name = "bb", column = "bb2")} ) } )

This works if I specify all column names from both of the entities in the query, which is fine in this small example but the search results must select from 4 entities, all of which have a large number of columns. If I don't specify all of the columns in the EntityMapping an exception is thrown in the call to getResultList().

My question is this: Is it possible to only specify the columns in the EntityMapping that are selected in the query rather than having to specify all from the entities?